
what is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the technique of preventing harmful cyberattacks on systems, servers, devices,, networks, and data. Its objectives are to lower the danger of cyberattacks and safeguard against the unauthorized use of technology, networks, and systems. Cyber Security is also known as information technology security or electronic information security. 

http://what is Cyber Security?

Reasons why cyber security is important:

Cyber security has become the must, no system can operate without cyber security. 

Nowadays, system hacking is quite prevalent, affecting everyone from students to corporate sectors to banks, where attackers are laying traps. Private information, secret information, financial details, and other personal information are all being breached by hackers. Here, the cyber security system acts as a barrier to prevent them from being disclosed.

Types of Cyber Security:

  1. Critical infrastructure cyber security : critical infrastructure organizations are frequently more susceptible to attack than other organizations because SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems usually rely on outdated software.In order to get pertinent information, take over a task or an entire business, or, worse yet, paralyse or end the task, today’s cybercriminals search for vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure systems. Therefore, in an environment that is getting more complicated, networked, and continually changing, security and protection measures become crucial.
  2. Network security : Network security entails fixing flaws in your operating systems, network architecture, wireless access points, servers, hosts, firewalls, and network protocols.
  3.  Cloud security: Cloud security is  focused on securing data, applications, and infrastructure in the Cloud.
  4. IoT (Internet of Things) security: Securing networks and smart devices connected to the IoT is a part of IoT security. IoT devices are objects that automatically link to the Internet, including smart fire alarms, lighting, thermostats, and other appliances.Securing networks and smart devices connected to the IoT is a part of IoT security. IoT devices are objects that automatically link to the Internet, including smart fire alarms, lighting, thermostats, and other appliances.
  5. Application security: When creating, coding, and distributing software or a website, application security involves resolving risks brought on by insecure development methods.

Why is learning about cybersecurity important?

The necessity of cyber security is highly increasing day by day. The awareness regarding cyber security can not be taken lightly. Every user must remain updated and informed about the evolving features of the digitalized world. One reason is that the internet has become ingrained in our daily lives. We rely on internet for everything from shopping to banking to staying in touch with friends and family. The more we use internet or digital platforms the more we disclose our personal data online which increases the risk of being more prone to cyber hacks. 

However, Cyber Security is a very vast field. Getting a firm grasp on software security through  proper software security training can propel you to greater career opportunities.

Enroll in our online software security analysis training classes to gain a more in-depth understanding of cyber security from the top cyber security expert.


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